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Friday 6 May 2011

my story-part 1

bace then comment okay?

DUSHHH!!adeiii…sakitnyer..ape kena la benda alah ni!gerutu Aisya sendirian.ish,ish..Nur Aisya Hazleah namaku hehe..kadang-kadang memandai je dowang(diaorang)panggil aku PEAH!sabo je lah..
Ingin ku tegaskan di sini namaku ialah Nur Aisya Hazleah Binti Muhammad Aizril bukan PEAH!cehh..ape pulak yang aku merepak nih!
‘Leya!cepat turun nanti Pak Mat sampai baru sibuk nak makan.’tetiba je mak jerit kuat suruh Aisya bangun
‘ jap2 ye mamaku yang tersayang..nanti Leya turun..’
‘Ahhh…ngantuknya la nak pergi sekolah lagi..adei..sakit jantung nih kalau pergi sekolah takpe lagi ni nak kene redah mamat tiga suku tu lagi buat sakit hati je’getus Aisya sendirian.
Mesti semua nak tahu siapa la gerangan leleki yang bertuah hari-hari dapat ‘debikan’percuma  Aisya.nanti nanti..sabar dulu nanti kita cerita yeee..

Sesampainya Aisya dari tingkat atas sambil mengendong bagnye yang tak la berapa berat tu terus duduk di kerusi yang terletak kemas di ruang makan rumah Aisya.dah la tu kalau duduk tu sopan takpe la lagi nih siap ada bunyi DONGGG lagi..ish anak Muhammad Aizril nih adap pon tarak!ape lagi kena la Aisya iklan percuma dari emaknya yang tersayang.
‘ish Aisya ni..kan perempuan kalau orang nak dating meminang pun terus cabut lari..berapa kali dah mama dah pesan perangai tu biarla elok sikit nih kasar semacam.bla..bla..bla..’
Aisya yang dok melangut dekat kerusi makin lama makin pekak badak telinganye..ish ish kesianla anak dara seorang nih.
‘Aisya dengar tak mama cakap?’
‘dengar dengar!!sikit…sikit..’makin lama makin tenggelam suara si Aisya nih bila sampai perkataan ‘SIKIT…SIKIT..’
‘tapikan ma,Aisya bukanye nak kahwin pun..tak ada langsung secebis nafsu dalam jiwa Leya yang suci dan murni ni kan papa?’
Encik Aizril yang dari tadi memerhati gelagat anak daranya hanya menggeleng perlahan.dia sendiri serik hendak melayan Aisya kerana ada sahaja modalnya untuk bercakap entah siapa yang diikutnya.
‘apa-apa la kamu ni Aisya..’balas Puan Rasya.
Kalau nak tahu mak si Aisya ni amat cantik masa muda-muda dulu sebabtu lah Encik Aizril yang iras-iras Pakistan ni terpikat.berkat hubungan mereka,lahirlah 3 orang cahaya mata yang amat hensem and comel-comel belaka.yang sulungnya mestilah Nur Aisya Hazleah yang lagi dua orang tu masih kanak-kanak sorang namanya Muhammad razif Mehdi urm namapun dah menggambarkan betapa hensemnye la budak berumur 13 tahun nih..jangan tak tahu fuhhh…peminat petik jari dh berjuta atang.yang sorang lagi umurnya masih 11 tahun mestila kat sekolah rendah sekarang nih namanya pulak Muhammad umar akber wah wah nih lagi la pipi udahla gebu comel bak Hindustan!kalau razif tadi petik jari dah berjuta ni lagi hebat menguap aje,pengsan orang-orang di luar tu..fuhh!hebatnye..tapi yang peliknya kakanya sorang pun tak nak dekat mana tak nye sekali kalau dekat boleh cakap-cakap tak pe ni kalau cakap macam cakap kat tunggul je..
Prinsip hidupku ‘LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE’hehe power tak??sebernarya mamng tak ada langsung keiginnanku untuk ber-couple-couple ni.senang kes,memamng nafsuku tak ada secebis pun untuk lelaki tapi untuk papaku yang tersayang mungkin la kut..hehe

okay tak??syok??klau nak lagi comment okay?

Monday 2 May 2011


have we done this?

Aboo Hurayrah quoted the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) as saying, "When a man dies, his acts come to an end, except in three cases: an ongoing charity, knowledge from which people continue to benefit, and a RIGHTEOUS CHILD WHO PRAYS FOR HIM."[Sahih Muslim, vol. 3, p.867, no. 4005, and Sunan Abu Dawud, vol. 2, p.812, no.2874]

actually the whole world is changing,just now i heard and watch that OSAMA BIN LADEN have shocked i was when the whole people are celebrating this new world "celebration" i dont really know how much ISLAM did hate them or kills their people (chirstian or jewish)i dont think it much more than they killed our brother and sisters without any humanity.

we as muslim,there always be hope.dont despair.pray for them in suffer not cheer up for their loss.i know its totally hard to get into the gist of life if everything and anything,anytime was always be a war.

we as people in the beautiful world without war should be really thankful and feel blesses with this reward.but what i see now is that all muslim people much more having fun to give support to the ISRAEL.

please,i yearn we should hold hands and make world a greater place to live on.thats a dont need people to tell you what to do because you the only one who know what will happen to the future.
dearest sister and brothers,ALLAH always be there =)

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Sad Poems about Love

Sad Poems about Love How can there be pain in a place where there is so much joy? A loving relationship is the most awesome experience in the world. This is why it also holds the potential for so much sadness. There are so many things that can go wrong. We must remember, "Better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all". If we have this attitude we can hold ourselves together during the hard times and rejoice that we have this awesome gift during the good times.

Source: Sad Love Poems - Family Friend Poems

Thursday 17 March 2011


urm..nothing really matters in my whole hobbies??

writing poems,
singing songs,
reading story books,novel and etc.

whats moree???


can anyone be a better person??can??

why do everyone i met was the one who will broke my heart??


Monday 7 March 2011

Wednesday 2 March 2011

how peace!

finally!!that FB is gone!she did not assaulting me or offended me or anythinggg!!!!
stop backstabbing hunnyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 1 March 2011


today nothin good really happen..everything was bad and such irritating..what wrong on the earth?? the good things is that i go on my life without even thinking about the past..whenever she tryin to make me down,i get up on my own..i didnt feel anything..thxs to my dad tips! #iloveudad!

Saturday 26 February 2011

which one is real???

i had problem with this...i can't tell his name...but..which one is gonna do some survey..ishhh!!!!!this one says about concert..this one says about pics..which one???

Friday 25 February 2011

Cody Simpson - All Day [Official Video] peace..:P

bosanye nak mati..tpi peace gler..takde org yg merapu2..yg slalu call mlm...yg bgun pgi pun nak call..tdur mlm pun nak call..yg slalu mntak shortcut keje sekola..akhirnye segalenye berubah seperti biase setelah 4 tahun aku menunggu..urmm..pnt au!btw..mmg rse peace yg teramat and her =  spilt!!yeahh...!!!bestnyew..tpi nanty dtg sekola mle la dgr mulut dye uh..urghhh!!!papa psn jgn hirau org camtuh..kte pndang dye cam pndang org gler..or cam nih la..kte pndang dye kte pkir..cianye kwn aku nih..nape la mulut dye tak reti tutup..dgn cre uh..kte akan lebih focus!!and lagi satu..pikirlah..adeke kebaikan klau nak ambik aty kat org??urm..rsenye tak..btw ni dulu..klau ade pape nanty jha updatekan!


urm..aku maafkan dye..sbagai org islam..aku maafkan dye..tpi nak terime dye sbgai kwn yg penah ade dlm aty aku..aku pun tak tawu samade aku boley wat camtu ke tak..aku phm aty aku..aty aku kte..tak rugi hilang kwn yg telah menyakitkan aty kaw sejak dulu..ko bersabar..aku bersabar even kaw caci aku dpn org rmai..kaw hine aku..ckp mulut aku cm setan la..fine!ko yg mintak aku tak penah ade nafsu nak ckp..ITS ALL OVER!its all!nothing really left!aku bncy dri aku kerana bncy kaw sekuat aty aku mcm nih..tpi ko perlu fikir..aku dah besat aku bknye najihah yg ko boley wat jdi hambe kaw..aku abkn najihah yg tak reti mengakkan keadilan cam big enough to think!lgi stu aku taknak org kte aku tak mature nak gado2 cam dak keciak..ko penakut~!ko tak penah ckp depan2 aku..kalo berani dtglah!dtg depan aku..ckp aku gedik!ckp aku setan!ckplahh!!!tak yah nak kutuk aku ble kwn ko ade..tak yah!aku dah serik ngan kaw..cukuplak...aku maafkan kaw..tpi aku takkan penah muncul dlm idop kaw lgi..pegila!pegi dri idop aku!jgn kacau aku lgiii!!!!!

Thursday 24 February 2011

i hate this day

aku tak tawu camne nak ckp..aku bnci idop aku..aku bnci segala2nye tntang dri aku!!!aku ade tak penah nak menghargai..takpe arh..cukupla..korang dah bgi aku satu ruang dlm ati korang tuk aku..aku tawu korang tak ske aku..tpi..aku pun tak perlukan kwn cam korang lgi..akhir salam..aku mntak mmaf klau aku ade wat kesalahan..hilangkan aku dri idop korang..aku tak penah kenal kowang..

Wednesday 23 February 2011


this is Maher zain

i love this guy..his name is Maher zain..he changed my life without i  realized friends says im changing..i hope i am really changing..coz he remind me how importent Islam is..:)

this is Justin bieber

i love him!he's awesome and great..:)he's nice either!!

I am special in my own way!!

dont bilieb??lets not talkk!!!!!!!

Tuesday 22 February 2011


aku tak phm nape org nak cari gadoh!!!aku btul2 tak phm..nak kte syok..jgn harapla..aku bknye nak cri gado tp klau korang tetibe je dtg serang ckp kat aku ngan syithah cibai ape maksudnye tu???mmg ar..aku tahu korang tak puas ati ke ape..aku sndiri pun tak wey..klau korang tak abis2 dgn sikap korang uh..tak teringin aku ngan syithah nak mntak maaf..kteorg pun ade pride gak..korang igt kteorg bodo er??go to hell laaa!!!menyampah nye aku kat koranggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!korang tau tak..aku ngan syithah tak teringin nak gado ngan korang..mmg tak!!tp dah korang tetibe je sound org...nak wat camne...btw...te ohioooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 20 February 2011


URM...esok nak kne antar esei english..not for sume just yg berminat nak masuk je...urm..nak kate pening kapale wat tu mmg lar..ade ckit..ckgu suh wat 500 words tpi terlebih lak..sowy ckgu!!!tp surely try hard la gak..btw i'll update about it soon..:)

Saturday 19 February 2011


best nak mati blajar bhase owg nih...
cute sgt spanish nih..walaupun..mmg ar terbelit lidah dibuatnye..fuhhhhh!!! coro..corro...poco...loco..coco...  
power beb!
maria is enfermera...:P
mmg best!!!aku skeee!!

yeah!!!!aku dpt chat ngan the real JUSTIN BIEBER!

THXS kat ade sowang kakak nih..baik!!!aku syg dyer!  kihkih,,,nsb yg baik melimpahi aku..justin chat nan aku..:)lps nih aku nak mntax sumthing..just like kakak tu wat..:)


urm..well know as brother (abang angkat) la snang ckp..mmg sdeh ble sumone nak tggalkan kte..urm..miserable..mama says klau org yg baik2 jarang bkk fb *lelaki* just the same as sebastian..he not barely opened fb and he tell me not to clung on it too much..urm..lets say camnih..kteorg mmg rapat walupun dye kat Chile..slalu ckp yg dye msti dtg malaysia..coz he's 23! he loves Islam Insya Allah lets us pray..:)for him to convert..urm...stu hri..tetibe chat tak berjln actually internet:P dah la dah 3 ari tak chat..mne tak nye tak hbs2 ngan camp pink dye tuh..huh!btw..smbung cte..mmg ar..bkk2 tgk ade msges ckp yg dye nak g tmpat lain..tak tau bole bkk fb or msn ke tak..thxs..mmg terkejut plus beruk..ape agi..air mate yg tak seberape tu tumpah la meleleh...mmg hampir 2 ari mcm nak giler!dah la tak tawu ape,mmg kemaruk sgt nak tawu pnye psl,tnpe membuang mse..tetibe otak yg tak seberape nih ade idea,ape lgi tnye la kwn dye..rupe2nye dye pgi cam PLKN uh..tpi kat sne 2 taun..ptut la dye ckp dye nak dtg malaysia dlm 2 or 3 years.lame nye mmg la..2012..urm..tak nak ckp ape coz aku tawu ape kaw akn pikir..but i'll still wait for him!.ish2..membazir je antar email kat dye..maki hamun..start pde uh..anta la gak email..but dlm keadaan yg jgk..:P btw..mmg miss kat dye!i miss those wonderful words of urs!even i see ur not sociable to ppl but to me ur nice!so damn nice!the egypt man..thxs for keep me from harm..jet aime!when ur back,lets learn spanish again!..:)

Friday 18 February 2011



Today i make this!!!

i barely didnt knoe how to make this..and who is me???i am a girl..who loves for being her in the inside and the outsides..find me on fb  :)
follow me..and i'll always update my self!!,,